16th World Congress on Pain : Part 2

I have recently returned from the World Congress on Pain in Yokohama, Japan. There were 3000 scientist and clinicians deliberating on 2000 research papers over five days. This is part 2 of some of the most important things that were discussed at this bi-annual meeting.To see the initial post read below Some take away messages [...]

By |November 17th, 2016|2016|Comments Off on 16th World Congress on Pain : Part 2

16th World Congress on Pain

I have recently returned from the World Congress on Pain in Yokohama, Japan. There were 3000 scientist and clinicians deliberating on 2000 research papers over five days. I have summarised some of the most important things that were discussed at this bi-annual meeting. The experience of pain: Numerous patterns and brain pathways influencing the development [...]

By |October 17th, 2016|2016|Comments Off on 16th World Congress on Pain

Need Motivation to achieve your health goals..

One way to constantly remind yourself of your health goals is to use your login passwords. We use passwords all day every day. So change the passwords to support your goals. If your goal is to meditate daily the you could use calm.10 .9.8 or meditate2day! If you have a nutrition goal how about greens4me! [...]

By |August 27th, 2016|2016|Comments Off on Need Motivation to achieve your health goals..

All About Pain

Understanding pain Pain is a complex phenomenon that has many sides to it and about which we still have much to learn. As a consequence there is much that is good and helpful to assist people with pain and there is also much that is based on myth and old wife’s tales. In 1965, the [...]

By |August 22nd, 2016|2016|Comments Off on All About Pain

Magnesium; Are you getting enough?

Chronic stress levels lead to a depletion of magnesium. Since a majority of individuals eat a diet that does not meet the recommended daily allowance for magnesium, the loss of magnesium due to chronic stress is a big problem. Lower magnesium levels increase the risk of insomnia and poor sleep quality, which in turn raises [...]

By |August 20th, 2016|2016|Comments Off on Magnesium; Are you getting enough?


Fibromyalgia: Doubling up to fight pain Most individuals with fibromyalgia will try medication. Here is infomation regarding the most recent study. Combining two drugs used to treat fibromyalgia safely improves patient outcomes. http://tinyurl.com/zw2r4jd.

By |August 19th, 2016|2016|Comments Off on Fibromyalgia

5 Digital Tools to Help you Manage your Physician Consultations

How many health-related apps do you have on your smartphone? It is predictsedthat the market for mobile health app services will reach $26 billion by 2017. Consumers have embraced these tools because they have many benefits, from keeping weight in check to researching medicine data. The communication benefits are often understated, but health apps can [...]

By |July 25th, 2016|2016|Comments Off on 5 Digital Tools to Help you Manage your Physician Consultations

My Health Organiser

There is something permanent and robust about a paper diary/organiser. There are only a few copies left. A great way to communicate with and between your health practitioners Communicating with Your Doctor or health practitioner By Kaye Brand - Fibromyalgia Support network. Recently I was reading an article from the University of CaliforniaPersonal health record [...]

By |July 25th, 2016|2016|Comments Off on My Health Organiser

Pain the Knee

In a study on pain in osteoarthritis of the knee mindfulness was shown to moderate the influence of pain on stress, which suggests that mindfulness may alter the way one copes with pain. http://tinyurl.com/gor9o69 An effective treatment with no side effects. Once the techniques are mastered , the practice pays dividends forever. Next More Than [...]

By |July 20th, 2016|2016|Comments Off on Pain the Knee

Dark Chocolate -a little is a good thing

A bit of dark chocolate may do more than just tickle your taste buds. Eating 2-3 small squares of dark chocolate "relaxes" blood vessels which could help protect cardiovascular health. So go ahead and indulge, but don't overdo it; dark chocolate is still has some sugar but the fat is good. Try 85%. It takes [...]

By |July 17th, 2016|2016|Comments Off on Dark Chocolate -a little is a good thing

Exercise Emerges as Most Effective for Fibromyalgia

as determined by the The European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR). This publications updates the recommendations for managing fibromyalgia which were last published in 2007. An article that summarises the findings has been published by the Rheumatology Network.

By |July 16th, 2016|2016|Comments Off on Exercise Emerges as Most Effective for Fibromyalgia

Heart Rate Variability testing: a window into the nervous system and the mind body connection

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) assessment is becoming an extremely useful tool for measuring the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and the impact of arthritis, inflammation, Stress, Heart issues, Fibromyalgia ( FM), Chronic pain,Chronic Fatigue( CFS) and many other disease states. A low heart rate variability has been linked to poor sleep, anxiety, pain and thinking processes. [...]

By |June 28th, 2016|2016|Comments Off on Heart Rate Variability testing: a window into the nervous system and the mind body connection

Vaccination for those with Inflammation and arthritis

If you have inflammation and are taking anti inflammatory and immune suppressing medications you are at higher risk of infection. Those with Inflammatory arthritis such as; psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis or lupus need to have regular vaccinations and stay up to date with them. The flu vaccine is required yearly and takes approximately [...]

By |June 27th, 2016|2016|Comments Off on Vaccination for those with Inflammation and arthritis

Fibromyalgia: A comprehensive review of the research published in the last year

Fibromyalgia: A comprehensive review of the research published in the last year. http://tinyurl.com/h8zwuag There is a lot being done and much more to do.

By |June 22nd, 2016|2016|Comments Off on Fibromyalgia: A comprehensive review of the research published in the last year

How To Appreciate The Present Moment—Even When It’s Painful

by James Brown This article which I found on the internet is beautifully written. To learn how to access the present moment the next More Than Meditation course commences 14 July. For all details and to how to register for this course click here >>>>. or call 95349495.

By |June 4th, 2016|2016|Comments Off on How To Appreciate The Present Moment—Even When It’s Painful

Fish oil or Krill oil ?

According to some recent research, if the dose of the oil, ie the EPA and DHA amounts are the same then there is no difference in the effect on the blood levels of the oils achieved. ( you will need to look at the smallprint on the labels) If you have inflammation or autoimmune issues [...]

By |April 16th, 2016|2016|Comments Off on Fish oil or Krill oil ?

Osteoporosis and fracture

After an osteoporotic fracture there are 2 important actions to take. 1. Prevent another fracture. 2. Recover well from the fracture. In regard to number 2. A recent article emphasised the importance of exercise. Effect of twelve-month physical exercise program on patients with osteoporotic vertebral fractures: a randomized, controlled trial. Osteoporos Int. 2016 Mar 16 [...]

By |April 10th, 2016|2016|Comments Off on Osteoporosis and fracture

Looking after Your brain, There are many ways to achieve this

Harvard University MRI study proving meditation literally rebuilds the brain’s gray matter in 8 weeks. Reference: http://tinyurl.com/68uxbwp The next More than Meditation course begins in South Yarra 14 July. Click to register http://tinyurl.com/ne2lcb3

By |March 22nd, 2016|2016|Comments Off on Looking after Your brain, There are many ways to achieve this

Chronic stress and Cancer

Chronic stress spreads cancer according to Monash Uni study. As for treatment they mentioned drugs but forgot to mention meditation. Perhaps this is too hard to teach to mice to meditate. http://tinyurl.com/gl55r7s Next More Than Meditation Course However the skill meditation ticks all the boxes. The More Than Meditation course which commenced on 3 March [...]

By |March 10th, 2016|2016|Comments Off on Chronic stress and Cancer

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