Established in 2003, The Lewis Institute for Health and Wellbeing is an education, training and research organisation that fulfils its vision by providing evidence- based information and programs for health professionals and the public. We focus specifically on issues of pain, stress, sleep , exercise and nutrition and promote the value of integrative and co-ordinated healthcare.
Pathways To Wellbeing
To gain access to living well requires an understanding that lifestyle, health and wellbeing are intimately connected. Our state of health is influenced significantly by our present and past lifestyle choices. We make these choices moment by moment, consciously or unconsciously. To enhance health requires health-enhancing lifestyle choices to be part of daily living. The essential aspect of this is mindfulness and the awareness that our whole body is connected to and influenced by everything around us.
The framework of our approach is based on our comprehensive program called Pathways To Wellbeing.
Being aware of and incorporating the Pathways to Wellbeing into your life provides access to living well. The Pathways are not necessarily distinct. Where they merge, their effectiveness is enhanced.
The philosophy and programs of the Lewis Institute for Health and Wellbeing are based on the integration of current medical and scientific knowledge and the accumulated wisdom of many cultures.
Human knowledge and understanding are rarely original or unique. Each understanding is based on the collective wisdom that has come before. In particular, the Pathways to Wellbeing framework was inspired by working with Neal and Carla Hoptman as well as many other inspiring individuals over many years.
The Directors

Dr Daniel Lewis
Daniel is an experienced rheumatologist (bone, joint and arthritis specialist) and pain physician. His passion is integrating balanced lifestyle practices into the mainstream management of bone, joint and arthritis-related disorders.
- He is an inaugural Fellow of the Australian College of Lifestyle Medicine.
- He is a member of the government-appointed, Victorian Workcover Authority Medical Panels.
- He is a medical adviser to Dragon Claw, an organisation dedicated to assisting patients and their families.
- He is a medical advisor to Emerge an organisation dedicated to raising the awareness of CFS/ME and supporting individual with this condition.
- He is a Past President of Arthritis and Osteoporosis Victoria (Now called Musculoskeletal Australia.
- He was the co-director of the Deakin University Integrative Health Research Unit formed in 2007.
- He teaches meditation in The Lewis Institute’s More Than Meditation Course which is held regularly throughout the year.

Dr Beverley Lewis
B App Sc (Physio); B A; M Sc (Bioeng); Phd (Psych); Dip Clin Hypno & Psych; MAHA; MMAA.
Bev is the Co-Founder and Co-Director of The Lewis Institute for Health and Wellbeing. Her main interests are in education and the management of stress and anxiety, chronic pain and sleep disturbances.
Combining her experience as a therapist and clinical researcher in physiotherapy, psychology, bioengineering, meditation and hypnotherapy, Bev creates programs that enable people to discover skills, understandings and inspiration, in the areas of health and well-being.
She has worked extensively with teachers in schools to design educational programs for children from 5 to 18 years of age. The research on these unique programs has demonstrated that they greatly enhance learning, self-awareness, health and wellbeing simultaneously.
The Meditating Pathways to Wellbeing Audio Guide is the newest initiative devised by Bev and Daniel. This set of audio recordings offers a simplified approach that enables people to experience and generate their own health and wellbeing.
What Do We Do?
In line with our purpose to enhance health and wellbeing, we provide
- whole-person education programs to the public
- education programs for health care practitioners
- a clinical research program.
How Do We Provide Whole Person Education?
Our main provision for whole-person education is through our courses. e-newsletters, lecture programs and seminars.
Who Delivers Our Programs?
The people who lead our programs are carefully selected for their expertise and education skills. They are from the disciplines of Medicine, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Nutrition Science and Yoga.
What do we need to know about how to live well?
Where does our knowledge come from?
How do we use this knowledge in our own lives?
What Are Our Services?
- Our Medical Service is provided by Dr Daniel Lewis. For an appointment click here.
- Our Research Service is available to Companies, Universities and individuals who want to avail themselves of our expertise in the design and/ or conduction of scientifically-sound clinical trials.
- You can follow us by subscribing to our free Blog posts below, Twitter @Paths2wellbeing ; Facebook at pathways2 wellbeing.